C.A.M.P. Artists

Friday, June 5, 2009

My Love Letter

Dear friends,

I shudder at the thought of referring to you as fans because the things I’m about to share can only be shared among friends. I see me sitting in a room and talking to my confidants---yes! We will be our shrinks, counselors, stars and spectators. And I your friend will be a contributor; sharing my life: my many passions; from God to music to relationships to cars, restaurants, friendship, fulfillment, life, joy, sadness and if you’ll allow me, a few secrets we all have but refuse to share--- call them open secrets. I’m

 happy to share with you my dreams, on-going plans, some things I’ve done and whatever else this 2-way will permit. Believe me, you will be the first to know so many things about me! And so, while I’m somewhat content in the mean time with just writing to you, I look forward my friends, to sitting with

 as many of us as life would permit. I appreciate your willingness to be part of who I am and what I do. As with most friendships, you’ll love me! Then hate me and hopefully love me again. The cycle may vary from person to person, but let’s hope that we ultimately find love, for it is indeed the greatest gift you can give to anyone. And so, in that wise, I give you all my love, a piece of me, somet

hing to hold and own. I love you all.

God bless you.


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